Vintage, 2014, 320 pages, $19.99 (pb)
Nuclear physicists in Nazi Germany did not build an atomic
bomb but, as the science writer, Philip Ball, shows in Serving the Reich, this was more by good fortune than by clever
(mis)management by the likes of one of the regime’s favourite scientists, Werner
Heisenberg, whose reputation-salvaging claim to have deliberately ‘falsified
the mathematics’ to sabotage Hitler’s nuclear war option has been roundly discredited.
Such self-exoneration, says Ball, was common to almost an
entire cohort of non-Jewish German physicists who, although rarely Nazi
sympathisers or anti-Semites, colluded with the Nazi regime’s military ambitions
and racial ‘cleansing’ policies.
The physicists either carried out the required dismissals of
their Jewish colleagues, did not resign their academic posts or emigrate in
protest, or self-interestedly welcomed the career advancement opportunities
suddenly opened up by the purge of Jewish physicists. Expressions of dismay were voiced privately
not publicly whilst disapproval of Nazism was at best symbolic – Professor Max
von Laue, Einstein’s friend, never went outdoors without a parcel under each
arm to avoid having to give the obligatory, raised-arm ‘Heil Hitler’ salute.
The over-riding motive for the physicists’ “lethal
indifference” was to maintain the intellectual status of German science and the
best way to do this, they reasoned, was by protecting themselves from the Gestapo’s
gaze. Their social position and consciousness,
however, also predisposed them to collaboration, however reluctant. Intensely patriotic, they were privileged
members of a conservative intellectual elite that was often “favourably disposed
towards some elements of a totalitarian state”.
They believed that their first duty was obedience to the German state,
including a genocidal, warring Nazi one.
The law was the law, reasoned the physicists’’ intellectual and
institutional leader, Max Planck, and if respectful petitioning through official
channels proved inadequate then there was nothing to be done.
The physicists were, writes Ball, “more tragic than
despicable” in seriously misapprehending, or selectively denying, the true nature
of Nazism but some were also compromised by mixed attitudes to fascism, like
Heisenberg who believed that, over time, ‘the splendid things will separate
from the hateful’.
Whilst it is understandable that fear of reprisal made a
heads-down silence attractive, what is ultimately damning about the physicists’
behaviour was their “almost universal inability … to acknowledge, or even
recognise, their failures in retrospect” when the concentration camp no longer
As electronic bugging of their conversations, when prisoners
in England after the war, revealed, there was an almost total lack of remorse
or moral self-examination. Some even
took the perverse moral high ground by arguing that the ‘democratic’ Allies
actually built and used a nuclear bomb but totalitarian Germany did not. This ignores the main reasons for the Nazis’
nuclear tardiness – the purge of Jewish physics talent (one quarter of the
profession) which seriously depleted the relevant skills base, and the Nazi
rulers opting for their V1 and V2 rocket program as more technically feasible
than atomic bombs in a fast-narrowing timeframe.
Nazi Germany, says Ball, exposed the ‘apolitical’ stance of
the German physicists as a delusion. It
prevented them from criticising their governmental paymasters and turned their
retreat to ‘pure’ science into de facto professional support for the regime’s political
program. Their failure to see that
science can not be “morally neutral” resulted in their political failure to
resist Nazism.
The social and political implications of scientific research
are inescapable, says Ball, not just in the specialist field of nuclear
physics, with its still deadly applications of nuclear energy and weapons, but equally
as much, concludes Ball, in contemporary, and potentially calamitous, technologies
such as genetically modified crops, nano-technology, fossil fuels and all
things military. Contemporary scientists
supporting such research may care to reflect on the damage done to society by Hitler’s
physicists who tried, and failed, to remain ‘above’ politics.
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