Macmillan, 2014, 291 pages, $32.99 (pb)
The only thing surprising about the 4% of Australians in
2013 who ‘almost always’ trusted the federal government is that the figure is
that high, considering the many failures of Australian politics enumerated in The Political Bubble by an angry Mark
Latham, the former national leader of the Australian Labor Party.
Now considered as standard political operating behaviour are
broken election promises and post-election linguistic spin, politics packaged
as a sub-genre of the entertainment industry and the triviality of personality
politics, vitriolic abuse and three-word slogans, pilfering of the public purse
and the feathering of politicians’ remuneration nests, and corruption and policy-for-sale
through political donations.
The only thing that keeps the system going, says Latham, is
compulsory preferential voting which forces everyone, including the don’t knows
and don’t cares, to eventually select, however reluctantly, one of two shop-worn
(Labor/Liberal) brands. The result is
the “hollowing out of democratic engagement” as an apathetic public turns off politics,
whilst party membership becomes “smaller, older, less representative” with a “shrinking
gene pool of dedicated apparatchiks” who eye off a comfortable parliamentary tenure
and the lifestyle of the top 3% of income earners which goes with it.
Politicians are thus cocooned in their own little bubble of
privilege and self-importance, with career benefits also for those orbiting the
bubble, including political staffers, journalists and, it could be added,
increasingly-long-ago ex-politicians (Mark Latham Literary Enterprises is going
strong - Political Bubble is book
number nine, and counting).
Latham is not the first to observe that life inside the
bubble is a world apart from the real life concerns of the public but where Latham
goes off the well-evidenced rails is his argument that the grounds for divorce between
the people and their representatives is less about political betrayal of
popular trust than irrelevance.
Apparently, there has been a “self-reliance revolution” out
in “middle-class suburbia”, in which depoliticised individuals have become bootstrap-lifting
agents of their own self-improvement and prosperity, making for a society that
is “affluent and satisfied”. “Contrary
to Marxist theories of the radical left” (and oblivious to the voluminous
research of non-Marxist economists like Thomas Picketty), “capitalism is
becoming more equal, not less”. In this glorious,
petit-bourgeois utopia of self-sufficiency, there is much less for government
to do.
In Latham’s shill for this vast, “sensible middle”, he rejects
not only the “feral right” of Liberal politicians, Murdoch’s News Corp and the
“hate-fests” of right-wing radio
talkback (low-hanging fruit for even a tepid social-democrat) but he
also flails against the green-left “fanatical fringe”, punching out not only
the most radical mainstream party (the Greens) but every street campaign and
protest movement.
The substantive centrepiece of Latham’s alternative, “minimalist”
politics is government by experts. Expert
bodies would take charge of fiscal policy (government expenditure and revenue),
climate change policy and other areas of government dereliction. Such old-hat technocratic solutions, however,
would only further blow out what Latham justly deplores as Australia’s “democratic
deficit”. Experts are not ideology-free
and they would be government-appointed, not elected or subject to democratic
accountability. The experts themselves would
be elite members of the Bubble.
Latham is right to say that Australian democracy is broken
but it is bourgeois democracy (economic rule by the rich, political rule by
their class buddies) that doesn’t work for society. We only have nominal control over our
law-making political representatives, and we have zero control over law
enforcement agencies, the judiciary, public service chiefs and big media, the
banks, miners and other powerful corporations.
Political, economic and social decisions that affect everyone should be
made by everyone, not just the Bubble People.
What is needed is socialist democracy.
On this, Latham has nothing to say.