Columbia University Press, 2012, 395 pages, $42.95 (hb)
JAMES LAWRENCE POWELLColumbia University Press, 2012, 232 pages, $32.95 (pb)
The “six stages of denial” for the climate change
non-believer, says Professor Michael Mann in The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars, are (1) climate change isn’t
happening, (2) even if it is, it isn’t caused by humans, (3) even if humans are
involved, their impact is minor, (4) even if it is major, the results will be
good, making crops grow, (5) even if the results are bad, humanity can adapt or
rig up a technical fix, and (6) besides, it’s too late to do anything about it,
even if it is happening, which happily brings the climate change denier back to
No amount of scientific evidence or logic can breach the
fortress of denialism, as Mann has personally found out. For over two decades, he and his “hockey
stick” graph of historical temperatures have been under siege from the
“denialist machine”.
First developed in the late 1990s, the hockey stick (by now
a hockey team, with Mann’s graph confirmed by a dozen independent studies)
shows that, for two millennia, there has never been a global temperature spike
anywhere near that which has occurred since coal, oil and gas powered the
Industrial Revolution, resulting in the dramatic and historically anomalous
upwards curve of the hockey stick end of the temperature graph).
The hockey stick sent to the knacker’s yard the denialists’
sacred cow of an earlier warming (the Mediaeval Warm Period [MWP], 950-1250 AD)
which they had used to argue that if warming from natural factors (volcanic
activity, solar output, etc.) happened before, it could happen again, thus
absolving fossil fuels from any blame.
The MWP, however, was a molehill compared to the current temperature
mountain which can not be explained by natural factors alone and which, indeed,
should have, on their own, resulted in a cooling. Only human factors, specifically fossil fuel
burning, can explain the abrupt current warming.
The hockey stick thus became for the deniers a powerful icon
that needed to be attacked as part of “the best funded, most carefully
orchestrated assault on science the world has known” by those, says Mann, who
were “profiting handily from civilisation’s addiction to fossil fuels”. James Powell, a geology professor, in The Inquisition of Climate Science,
agrees that the deniers’ campaign is
“the most vicious … attack on science in history”.
The “contrarian barrage” that has ensued has had much
success. As Powell notes, whilst the
scientific evidence for anthropogenic global warming has risen, public
acceptance has fallen. In 2009, two
thirds of Americans believed scientists still disagreed about global warming,
thanks to the “willing accomplices” of the media which cloaks its denialism behind
the spurious notion of ‘journalistic balance’.
Between 1980 and 2002, for example, the four major US newspapers gave
all, equal or some positive attention to the deniers in 94% of their global
warming coverage, with only 6% of coverage reflecting the scientific consensus.
Global warming deniers are given a free media ride, say Mann
and Powell, because Big Oil and Big Auto have a lot at stake and Big Media
protects its own. If the deniers’ case
“has misinformed or confused” people, adds Mann, “it has served its purpose in
manufacturing doubt and confusion”, with the goal of thwarting government
efforts to regulate carbon emissions.
Meanwhile, “carbon dioxide concentrations and temperatures rise and
precious time is lost”.
Who are the deniers, so trumpeted by the shouting hacks of
the establishment media? A handful have
scientific credentials (and conservative politics), masquerading their
denialism as healthy scientific scepticism and are tamely in the pocket of the
fossil fuel industry.
Their non-scientist sidekicks provide the light humour. The deceased science fiction writer, Michael
Crichton (author of Jurassic Park),
was motivated by animosity to environmentalism which he scorned as ‘the
religion of choice for urban atheists’.
Legions of credentialed climate scientists were apparently trumped by
Bjorn Lomborg (author of the error-riddled The
Skeptical Environmentalist) a young unknown who disproved global warming
after just a year or two of reading, whilst the loopy Viscount Monckton of Benchley,
a Cambridge classics graduate, dispenses denialist lies (from doodled
calculations on the back of an envelope) in between dispensing a farrago of
dishonest self-promotion.
The deniers all portray themselves as latter-day Galileos
repressed by the scientific establishment in a giant conspiracy in which data
is fabricated or hidden to keep research dollars flowing and advance the
“liberal political agenda of the United Nations”.
This would have to be, as Powell patiently dissects it, the
mother of all conspiracies, involving all 2,500 scientists on the UN’s
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, all the world’s governments who
appoint the bureaucrats to oversee the scientists’ work, and all the 70
international science organisations and the peak national science academies in
dozens of countries which have formally accepted the reality of anthropogenic
global warming, not to mention the 97-98% of the world’s most active climate
researchers whose publication and citation data showed, in a 2010 analysis,
support for the tenets of human-caused global warming.
Or, perhaps, it is the most feeble conspiracy ever. The so-called ‘Climategate’ affair of 2009
(when a thousand private emails between Mann and his colleagues in the Climatic
Research Unit at the UK’s East Anglia university were criminally hacked) was,
says Powell summarising the six enquiries by distinguished panels which cleared
all accused scientists of any impropriety, “much ado about nothing”. The
investigations found possibly half a dozen incautious words amongst the million
in the emails but found, says Powell of the allegations of conspiracy, not “a
single faked data point, not a single deleted email, not a single [denialist]
article prevented from publication”.
All climate change deniers operate outside the normal,
robust scientific process, with peer-review of research by anonymous scientific
experts at its core, which involves good faith and respectful challenges and
responses between colleagues with the aim of better scientific understanding.
Bereft of real science, the deniers resort to their weapon
of choice, says Mann – personal attacks on individual scientists. This has included vexatious demands under
Freedom of Information for decades of research materials and computer codes, vitriolic
cyber-bullying (including placing climate scientists’ photographs on neo-Nazi
websites), campaigns against their government funding and academic tenure, plus
stalking, death threats, abusive phone calls and shock jocks calling for their
capital punishment, flogging and suicide.
Conservative politicians have rushed to join in. The Bush administration attempted to purge
Mann’s hockey stick from a 2003 government report (replacing it with a study
financed by the American Petroleum Institute), forced Mann to front hostile
Senate and House committees, denounced him on the floor of the US Senate, and
named him as one of 17 scientists who should be investigated for criminal
prosecution. The overtones of an ugly past
(‘are you now or have you ever been a climate scientist?’) were not lost on
other climate scientists, as intended.
Mann and other climate scientists have, however, fought back
(see their denialist-busting website Realclimate.org). Mann says that whilst he can “live with the
attacks of the corporate-funded denial machine”, he can no longer stand by
whilst their lies endanger the world. As
with the scientific apologists for Big Tobacco, who condemned millions to death
through their lies about smoking and cancer, Mann asks “will we hold those who
have funded or otherwise participated in the fraudulent denial of climate
change accountable?”.
As long as Big Capitalism rules the roost, there will be no
such accounting. That will take a world
where science, morality and planetary survival count for more than the
corporate dollar. These two marvellous
books by Mann and Powell will help to get us there.
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