A Transatlantic Story
By EDWARD BERENSONYale University Press, 2012, 229 pages , $35.95 (hb)
Review by Phil Shannon
‘We are the keepers of the flame of liberty’, said President
Reagan, opening the centennial celebration in 1986 of the Statue of Liberty in
New York Harbour, claiming the statue to be an American beacon of freedom to
the world. As Edward Berenson shows,
however, the statue’s political virtue had been compromised long before
Reagan’s neo-conservative hypocrisy.
The French creators who gifted the statue to America in 1886
- Edouard Laboulaye (legal scholar), Frederic Bartholdi (architect) and Gustave
Eiffel (engineer) - were “centrist liberals” who, although civil libertarians
and anti-slavery abolitionists, opposed the progressive republicans, democrats
and socialists on their left.
The statue they built in Paris and shipped to New York was
intended as a reminder of the financial and military debt that the American
revolutionary War of Independence owed to the French revolution, with an
expected return of US trade and diplomatic favours to France as quid pro
quo. In both American and French
anti-monarchical revolutions, however, the spoils had gone to the respective
republican bourgeoisies. The statue’s
French creators were class allies of this wealthy elite, very much committed to
the liberty, and power, of this elite.
They reassured their American counterparts, who were
expected to raise the funds for the statue’s pedestal, that the statue
represented a liberty of free enterprise, ‘not that Liberty who, wearing a red
bonnet and carrying a pike, marches over a field of dead bodies’. Not for the statue’s respectable republicans
in France the radical democracy of the lower orders in the 1871 Paris Commune
which had so inspired Karl Marx and terrified the French, and American,
Nor was the statue to reflect artistic allusions to the
revolutionary Goddesses of Liberty which flourished during the French
revolutions of 1792, 1830 and 1848. The Statue
would be demure, of placid expression, fully clothed and smashing no chains.
Many Americans saw through the statue’s public veneer of
liberty and emancipation. Suffragists
disrupted the opening ceremony from a chartered boat denouncing the hypocrisy
of ‘erecting a Statue of Liberty embodied as a woman in a land where no woman
has political liberty’.
African-Americans were cool – the statue would not end their
discrimination and segregation, nor the lynching epidemic during the 1890s when
1,200 were murdered in acts of vigilante justice.
Workers could expect no liberation from unemployment (16%)
and poverty (40%) from a copper-clad monument.
Aspirant migrants, screened out from the ‘land of the free’ if they
hailed from southern and eastern Europe (‘diseased’, ‘troublemakers’, refusing
to ‘assimilate’, ‘taking the jobs of Americans’) confronted the cold stare of
xenophobia not the warm welcome to ‘your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses
yearning to be free’. Liberty in
capitalist America meant freedom for the rich , not the poor.
Just as the writer, Mark Twain, found nothing to celebrate a
hundred years ago – he wanted a statue ‘old, bent, clothed in rags, downcast,
shame-faced’ so it could represent the ‘insults and humiliation the principles
of liberty have faced over the past six thousand years’ – the statue has been a
protest site for many who deplore the failure of the US to live up to its
proclaimed liberal ideals whilst mouthing a hypocritical rhetoric of freedom.
This official oratory now includes the Statue of Liberty as
a symbol of American ‘freedom and anti-terrorism’, a development which
testifies to the “power of liberty as a universal ideal”, says a smitten
Berenson whose admirable academic objectivity sadly, but not surprisingly (Berenson
is a political liberal), deserts him the closer history comes to today and when
liberty needs much more than a corporate-sponsored sculpture of elite class